Conducting wellness team building for employees might be a bit of a hassle for an organization, however, have you weighed the benefit of employee engagement programs such as wellness team building to the employees?
First of all, what do you understand when the word team building pops into your mind? Here is a simple explanation of team building. Team building is the process of creating a team that can work together cohesively towards a common goal. The importance and main purpose of team building are to create a strong team through forming bonds and connections in a team.
No wonder all organizations put efforts into conducting team building, especially at the end of the year! Now let’s see in-depth the benefits of employee engagement programs to all employees!
Here are 5 key benefits of team building:
Increase Work Productivity
In team-building activities, they will be experiencing activities in which they need to work together to achieve their common goals and mission. Encouraging employees to work together toward a common objective, will also increase work productivity as everyone will put their best efforts into their work! This will also help in promoting good stress which is good for increasing the efficiency in working environment!
Building Trust
Trust is built and gained through various mediums. In team-building, teams or departments that need to collaborate for many activities will help the team to develop trust among coworkers. When working together on teamwork activities, employees may learn to depend on their peers. Thus, trust is built among them and this is the reason why team building can be one of the corporate wellness program activities as it builds trust among peers and motivates each other as well as promotes a healthy environment in the office!
Discovering Strengths and Weaknesses
Team building can help in identifying employees’ strengths and weaknesses based on how they perform in team-building activities. This is because everyone will have to show their true “identity” when having a discussion or generating ideas to solve problems in activities or games in team-building. This is good because we can use the hidden talent, strengths, or weaknesses to form more effective teams and understand how to best utilize team members' talents in the future.
Developing Confidence
Confidence is developed through experiences. Team-building is created to let people learn and solve problems through fun and engaging activities. When employees succeed in a team-building mission, they may develop more confidence. As a result, this may help the employees to feel more comfortable with other colleagues and encourage them to share more content, ideas, and opinions in the future. Not only that, confident employees can be more confident about their abilities to do more and proactively complete any task, especially in the workplace.
Making a Positive Work Environment
A positive work environment can be created through team-building. Why? This is because all employees have to work and spend time together during the team-building days, which may help keep them engaged. Additionally, everyone will be happier as they already know well about everyone in the workplace! This might be cliche but a “family” is created in a company! The bonding is important for everyone to move forward together to achieve similar goals in a company!
Now we already know the 5 key benefits of team-building to both employer and employees! Year end is the best time to execute your team-building plan as it will be the kickstart for the new year!